Aptech Africa recently designed, supplied, installed and commissioned five hybrid solar systems and twenty-three standalone streetlights in Owino market, the biggest market in the central business district of Kampala, Uganda in a project funded by the UNDP in partnership with Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).

Each of the systems is roof mounted with 14.25kWp of solar panels and 50kWh of lithium-ion batteries totaling to 71.25kWp and 250kWh. All the systems are hybrid integrated with the main grid. Deye inverter technology was used, a hybrid inverter that has two AC inputs and outputs also allowing an additional power source like generators to be connected whenever required. Each system has two inverters that meet and exceed the load available, the inverter has inbuilt MPPT and hence no need for a charge controller. The inverter is programmable to communicate with battery which is lithium-ion type and has a display to give the entire system overview.

Given the size of the market, security has been an issue with theft cases for people’s merchandise on a rise. KCCA together with UNDP chose this market to help the traders who are mostly low-income earners secure their merchandise and also relieve them from the cost of paying for power bills on lighting.

This site is packed with millions of traders’ merchandize that should be secure in the night until when they return for work in the morning. The security team of the market need enough power and light to be able to carry out their patrolling work with ease. Cleaning companies also carry out their work at night and in order to have the market well cleaned, enough light in dark spots will ensure a better job and this also secures the health of the traders

This project has excited and relieved the traders from paying power bills for lights. Those who are in the cooking section are now able to wash and organize their things even at night and very early in the morning when they come for work as early as 5pm. Delivery and offloading of new goods in the night is now easy since all offloading areas are well lit by the stand-alone streetlights installed in the market as well.

This is the first solar project implemented in an open market in the middle of the city. The market with all its zones (with over 100 shades and stalls) have been covered by the solar lighting and streetlighting.

Even though the nature and congestion of the market and working hours could not allow for installations during day, Aptech Africa was flexible on the work schedule and dedicated a team to work at night and ensure the systems were completed without interrupting the day today activities of the traders.

This installation is set to benefit over 50,000 traders in the Owino market and over 300,000 people coming in the market on a daily for trading through the reduction in theft of merchandise hence traders will be able to thrive in business without suffering the losses that have been caused by theft before. The working hours will increase for traders since there will be safety as traders and buyers will be in a well-lit market, trader’s income will improve and hence their livelihoods.

Also, this installation will contribute to the main goal of the UNDP for sustainable development through green clean energy.

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