Integrated System Unit
The Soleil power – Integrated System Unit (ISU) is a smart, containerized system integrating a solar energy storage solution and water pumping and purification system. It features automatic water dispensers, remote monitoring and control and an operator/ mobile money vendor booth for smooth and cost-efficient operation and maintenance.

Water Solutions
Water Solutions For Businesses In Detail

Increase Your Crop Yield Today
Land productivity can be increased by 50% or more through irrigation applications. Aptech’s team of agricultural mechanization and irrigation engineers are ready to install industrial size irrigation solutions to improve crop yield for commercial farmers.

Access to Water Wherever You Are
For commercial and industrial water needs, Aptech provides complete pumping solutions with water piping and distribution. Aptech’s water resource engineering teams have the skills to bring access to water for any business in any location.

Water is Life
Aptech partners with reputable companies such as Grundfos to bring innovative water purification solutions to ensure your business has access to purified drinking water.
Solar Business Solutions
Solar Solutions For Businesses In Detail

Uninterrupted Power supply
Aptech offers pre-assembled energy storage containerized solutions. These plug and play containerized solutions can be easily deployed in the field for reliable energy production.

Decentralized Energy Solutions
Aptech can install and maintain mini-grids with distribution lines to power multiple businesses within a community.

Securing Your Business Premise
Solar Security Lights can increase the security around your business premise. These systems offer flood lighting to provide maximum illumination throughout the night.