Aptech Africa Commissions a Backup System for Next Media

Aptech Africa Commissions a Backup System for Next Media

Aptech Africa recently commissioned a 15 KVA backup system at for Next Media in Kampala, Uganda. The backup system includes Victron Multiplus power Inverters 48/5KVA and is run with Lithium-Ion Batteries each with a storage capacity of 7.5 KWh.  The System uses a Victron Battery Monitor BMV 700 Victron GX-GSM to control and monitor the system.  This system uses modern BMS technology as a key component for power storage to communicate the status of the batteries to make sure the system continues running and to avoid any system power cut.

Next Media Services is located in Kampala, Uganda. It is a leading multimedia company in Uganda aspiring to become the most relevant media source in Africa. Next Media has evolved from one television station to three television stations with web products, an online news portal, a radio station, and a media production agency. This project has provided backup power to make show the company delivers uninterrupted services to its media consumers across the country.

The beneficiaries include over ten million people who enjoy, learn, listen to, watch and teach on various radio and TV stations through Next Media services.

Thanks to this reliable system installed by Aptech Africa, Next Media will no longer need to worry about power outages or program interruptions.  

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