Ennos Sunlight Pump Application for Household Use

Ennos Sunlight Pump Application for Household Use

Aptech Africa is an authorized distributor of the Sunlight Pump by ennos. This pump can be perfect for applications such as household use. In many countries in Africa, families do not have access to reliable electricity. Pumps that run on diesel generators are very expensive, have a shorter lifetime, and require more maintenance. Solar energy is the perfect type of power generation for pumps.

By pumping as much as 2,000 L/hour the sunlight pump has the capacity to pump to several homes. There are multiple ways to set this up. The sunlight pump can be used to pump from a water reservoir to an elevated position, like on the roof of a house, and then provide a continuous supply of water for household uses through a gravity fed system. Water can be used for drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning, and other household uses.

Sunlight pumps can also be used to pump to a pressure tank which combines to create an automated system to provide pressurized water to multiple taps throughout the house. The pump will start pumping automatically whenever the pressure becomes low from the tank.

These same applications can be used for schools, hospitals, business, and government buildings that require a reliable supply of water.

Contact Aptech Africa today to see how our team of engineers can get you set up with your sunlight pump system to make sure your family has reliable access to water. 

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