Aptech Africa’s Team recently completed 16 Boreholes for MINUSCA in regions all across the Central African Republic.
MINUSCA is the UN Peace keeping mission which has been in CAR since 2014. MINUSCA has several roles within the country, one of which is to facilitate humanitarian assistance. According to Sanitation and Water for all, the water coverage rate is around 40% and less than 30% for sanitation. The combination of the low water access and sanitation coverage makes CAR a highly vulnerable country for COVID-19. The Government of Central African Republic has made water access one of its top priorities, with a plan to expand water services to an additional 1,500,000 people by the end of 2021. According to a study conducted by the Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank, CAR is losing as much as 1.2% of its annual GDP due to poor sanitation. Investment in the water and sanitation sector will improve the quality of life and economic development in CAR
To address this need, Aptech Africa’s team traveled to 16 sites across CAR, drilling boreholes to bring water access to local communities. Aptech’s expert drilling team is dedicated to helping increase water access rates for people across the country.