Impact of Women in the Solar Sector.

Impact of Women in the Solar Sector.

Aptech in Uganda values the impact of women in solar and is delighted to have paid full scholarship for Judith Nanziri in her electrical engineering program. Judith’s dream has always been becoming an electrical engineer and with the love she has for school and pursing her career, she has big potential to become one of the best electrical engineers to contribute to the growth of solar sector.

In Uganda, the engineering profession is dominated by men due to different factors hindering women in the education system such as the lack of school fees, support from parents, and poor education facilities.

Aptech is looking forward to support women and girls to pursue their careers in the solar sector as electrical and water engineers.

The absence of women in engineering education programs reinforces gender inequalities. Women have in the past been ignored in the development of education systems in Africa. This is evident in the blatant disparities in the rates of access, retention and completion for boys and girls. For a very long-time girls have comprised the largest proportion of children that have been unable to access education.

The absence of women during the development of education and training systems in Africa has had serious implications on gender inequality in education and consequently on the socio-economic development of Africa and Solar sector at large.

Aptech Africa is proud to be part of Judith Nanziri’s education journey as an electrical engineer as well as women and girls in solar sector at large.

Aptech Africa believes in the African proverb “If you educate a man, you educate an individual but if you educate a woman, you educate a family (nation)”.

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